

Shuffle. Discover. Personalize

<img src="", width="180">

What is SubPaper?

SubPaper is an Android app designed to bring high-quality wallpapers directly from Reddit to your device.

The purpose of this project is to provide high-quality, user-rated wallpapers for Android devices. It curates these wallpapers from various subreddits on Reddit, offering a diverse collection that caters to different tastes.

SubPaper has been developed to be light-weight, fast and easy to use. It takes all the data from the open-source SubReddit saved in Firebase Realtime Database.

This project has been built using the Flutter framework, which allows to build an app for mobile, desktop & web, from a single codebase.

Screenshots / Test Footage

Source Test Footage Here


Download & install

First, clone the repository with the ‘clone’ command, or just download the zip.

git clone

Then, download either Android Studio or Visual Studio Code, with their respective Flutter editor plugins. For more information about Flutter installation procedure, check the official install guide.

Install dependencies from pubspec.yaml by running flutter pub get from the project root (see using packages documentation for details and how to do this in the editor).

There you go, you can now open & edit the project. Enjoy!

External Packages Credits

The App is built from these wonderful packages. | Name | Description | |—-|—-| |lottie|Parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json.| |flutter_staggered_grid_view|Provides a collection of Flutter grids layouts.| |cached_network_image|Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory.| |flutter_wallpaper_manager|set wallpaper on your android device.| |flutter_native_splash|Fixes Splash Screen migration in Android 12| |share_extend|For sharing text, image, video and file with system ui.| |google_nav_bar|A modern google style nav bar for flutter.| |double_back_to_close_app|Press the back-button twice to close the app.|

Built with

How to Report Bugs and Request Feature

Please open a new issue in the GitHub repository with steps to reproduce the problem you’re experiencing.

Be sure to include as much information including screenshots, text output, and both your expected and actual results.


Thank you for considering and taking the time to contribute to this project!

You can open a new pull request